
2023–pursuing PhD in Computer Science, Kashima Lab, Kyoto University
2016–2021 MSc in Computer Science, Diplome de l'ENS (DENS), École normale supérieure de Paris (ENS)
2020 MSc in Mathematics, Mathematiques Vision et Apprentissage (MVA), École normale supérieure de Paris (ENS)
2018 Computer science Master I, École normale supérieure, Paris (ENS)
2017 Computer science Bachelor, École normale supérieure, Paris (ENS)
2016 Admitted to the École normale supérieure, Paris (ENS), ranked 4th
2014–2016 Classes prépa MPSI-MP*, Champollion, Grenoble


Programming C, C++, Python, OCaml, Rust
Python Jax, Tensorflow, PyTorch, sklearn
Web HTML/CSS, Javascript


2022–2023 Extended position at Inria Saclay, France, with Jill-Jenn Vie on various research projects.
2022 Fixed term position at Inria Saclay, France, with Jill-Jenn Vie and in collaboration with Pôle-Emploi (1 year).
Predicting future employment opportunities using time series tabular data of French hirings from Pôle-Emploi
2021 Internship at Inria Paris, France, supervised by Francis Bach (2 months).
Work on the results of Finding Global Minima via Kernel Approximations.
2018 Internship at Riken AIP Tokyo, Japan, supervised by Takanori Maehara (5 months).
Masakazu Ishihata, Takanori Maehara, and Tomas Rigaux. Algorithmic meta-theorems for monotone submodular maximization, 2018, arXiv:1807.04575.
2017 Internship at Université de Liège, Belgium supervised by Pierre Geurts (2 months).
Exploring hybrid methods combining neural networks and random forests for supervised learning.


2021 Algorithmic lab sessions, Python in L3 at CentraleSupélec (30 students, 21h), Gif-sur-Yvette
2017–present Coach for ENS teams at the contest International Collegiate Programming Contest
2022 Coached the 6th team in the 2022 World Finals International Collegiate Programming Contest
2014–2023 Assistant coach for preparation and selection of the french team at the contest International Olympiad in Informatics

Competitions and Awards

2018 Ranked 56th with Honors at the 2018 ACM ICPC World Finals in Beijing — China.
2017 Ranked first at the 2017 ACM ICPC Regionals (SWERC) in Paris — France
2017 Ranked 34th with Honors at the 2017 ACM ICPC World Finals in Rapid City — South Dakota, USA.
2016 Ranked first at the 2016 ACM ICPC Regionals (SWERC) in Porto — Portugal
2016 Ranked 2nd at Prologin, the French National Computer Science Contest.
2014 Member of the French team at the IOI in Taipei — Taiwan.


[0] Masakazu Ishihata, Takanori Maehara, and Tomas Rigaux. Algorithmic Meta-Theorems for Monotone Submodular Maximization, 2018, arXiv:1807.04575.
[1] Tomas Rigaux, Jill-Jênn Vie, and Sein Minn. Privacy-Preserving Synthetic Educational Data Generation, Proceedings of EC-TEL 2022, in press, 2022.
[2] Jill-Jênn Vie, Tomas Rigaux, and Hisashi Kashima. Variational Factorization Machines for Preference Elicitation in Large-Scale Recommender Systems, In Proceedings of IEEE BigData 2022, in press, 2022.
[3] Tomas Rigaux, and Hisashi Kashima. Enhancing Chess Reinforcement Learning with Graph Representation, 2024, arXiv:2410.23753.


French Native language
English FluentIGCSE diploma. International option for the Baccalauréat
Japanese LearningStudied as a second language for 2 years
Italian IntermediateStudied as a second language for 9 years

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